Sunday, July 6, 2014

C4Tp Post #3 (Silvia Tolisano)

On June 28th, the Langwitches blogs posted a video, complied and edited by Andrea Hernandez, entitled The Possibilities of Student Blogging. Hernandez points out how blogging gives students a platform to reach more than their own personal network, but gives students access to the entire world. Blogging has also improved the writing skills of the students within the classroom. Hernandez also introduces the concept of "Quad Blogging." This is preformed by involving a few classes, all from different countries, and basically setting up a personalized learning network for the students. The classes comment on other students blogs from across the world, a very interesting concept!

Documenting FOR Learning

In Silvia Tolisano's blog, "Documenting FOR Learning", she discusses the importance of documentation for teachers and students. She gives many effective examples of how to document in the classroom, such as, video, blogging, and photos. I also agree documentation is important, not only does it help students to more easily retain information, but it also allows for better organization within the classroom.

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