Wednesday, July 16, 2014

C4Tp #4 (Silvia Tolisano)

Ms. Tolisano posted a blog entitle, Building Good C.U.L.T.U.R.E. This acronym, created by Dan McCabe, stands for collaborate, understand, love, trust, unite, respect, empower. All very important attributes and ideals to have when learning or being immersed within another's culture. Ms. Tolisano was asked to illustrate a picture to go along with this acronym.


In an earlier blog post, Telling a Story With Data Ms. Tolisano introduces a class in which the students have learned to take data, analyze the data and tell a story with it. They are demonstrating their understanding of Math concepts, data graphs, misleading graphs and communication skills. The students were given a rubric, so expectations were clear, then students were able to let their creativity flow, by changing the math into a story to share with their class.

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