Saturday, July 5, 2014

Blog Post 11- What Can We Learn From These Teachers?

In Brian Crosby's lecture, Back To The Futrue, he discusses the demographic of his classroom, and how he has been able to connect and engage his students in the classroom through technology. The main point of Mr. Crosby's lecture is that, we as educators, cannot continue to rush children through education. The result of rushing students leads to classrooms where over 50% of students do not know the country in which they live in. By bringing technology into the classroom, Mr. Crosby has been able to allow his students, who have not had opportunities to be exposed to the world, are now allowed to see the world through the internet.

Teacher with Technology

In Paul Anderson's video, Blended Learning Exercise, he discusses what exactly blended learning is. Blended learning is a blend of online, mobile, and classroom learning into one. The six stages to an effective blended lesson, according to Mr. Anderson, are to Question, Investigate, Video, Elaboration, Review, and Summary Quiz. In a later video, 5th grade teacher, Mr. Sam Pane, discusses the importance of Teaching Digital Citizenship to your students. When incorporating lesson plans which involve the use of internet, it is important to teach students necessity of proper etiquette online. They should be aware of potential identity thieves, so students must keep their information private. Also, students must be aware that what they post online is available for all of the world to see. Lastly, in Dean Shareski's video, Project Based Learning, the benefits of combining multiple classes for PBLs is shown. In this video, History, English, and Information Processing were all combined to preform effective PBLs. This type of learning allows students to make connections within the classroom and be productive within their own learning.


  1. "When incorporating lesson plans which involve the use of internet, it is important to teach students necessity of proper etiquette online." Anytime students are using technology, it is important for us to guide and direct them on the proper way to use it.

  2. The video Dean Shareski shared reminded me of our group PBL. Allowing students to collaborate with others outside of their classroom is a great opportunity to learn and share knowledge. Great Job!
