Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog Post 2- What Will Teaching in the 21st Century Be Like?

  Upon watching the YouTube video, "Mr.Dancealot" it is clear to see that the central message and concept of the video is to bring light to the issue of students being expected to succeed through simply listening to lectures, rather than personal experience with the given material. The author makes this case when the mock dance class is expected to preform dances they have never actually participated in, but rather only been lectured on. Thus, obviously setting the students up for failure. I find this conclusion to be very accurate. Without allowing students to become involved and have personal learning experiences with the given material, the educator is almost insuring that long term success will not be received. Just as one cannot learn a dance by only hearing about the steps, one cannon fully grasp the information given to them without something that allows them to connect with what they are hearing.

  In the video, "Teaching in the 21st Century," Roberts states that to be a teacher no longer means your are the source of education, rather the teacher is now the filter. The teachers role now is to teach students how to efficiently discover knowledge.

  1. Robert's Argument
  1. Teacher's role in the live of students is obsolete
    • Students can get information on anything, anytime, anywhere.
    • Students have virtually limitless information.
  2. Teacher' roles are no longer the main source of knowledge, but the filter.
    • It is an educator's job to teach the student to productively validate, synthesize, communicate,and collaborate information.
  3. Entertain vs. Engage
    • Entertainment is done as a leisure activity. It is passive.
    • Engagement is active and used for learning.
In my opinion Robert's makes some very good points, and it is clear to see he has fully grasped what education in the 21st century is currently and what it will surely grow in to. I do not agree with everything he is saying though. It seems as though he is undermining the role of a teacher. Yes, technology is more than helpful in the classroom, and yes it gives students an entirely new way to view education. I however, don't completely agree that technology will ever overtake the importance of human interaction and communication between one another. The job I will preform, as a teacher one day, will surely be different than any type of teaching I was exposed to throughout my elementary to high school years, however I believe that brings an element of excitement to my future career.

  Throughout the video, "The Networked Student," the student is using many tools of technology in order to complete his assignment. The role of the teacher was not to be the students source for information, but to guide the student in order to help him be successful in he searching for valid information. Also, the teacher was able to help the student through connectivity and help the student form relationships all over the world.

  The thesis of Davis' video, "Harness Your Students's Digital Smarts" is that by empowering your students to learn on their own and discover a world they never knew they could have access to, promotes learning. Davis also says, a paper and pencil is designed to only benefit a certain type of student. I agree with Davis' argument. This type of learning promotes independence, connectivity, and also gives more students an opportunity to be successful within the classroom.

  I have never heard of flipping the classroom, which is discussed in the video, "Flipping the Classroom." I like the idea of it, but I do see some room for error. For me, math has never been my strong point, I feel if I was taught over a video every night and expected to do practice problems on new material, it would very likely bring frustration and discouragement. However, it is a very productive method, and if the students are able to keep up with the videos and homework, it would be very efficient in the classroom, and allow for more hands on time as well as independent learning. Which as I said earlier when discussing the "Mr. Dancealot" video, is very important for student's success. Children Using Technology

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blog Post 1- What About EDM310?

  Thus far, their are many things I have learned about EDM310. I have learned how to succeed. For example, time management is vital to the success of this class. Not only do things need to be turned in on time, but effort and hard work is required in all projects and tasks assigned. Also, from reading Dr. Strange's articles and watching his videos, I have learned how not to succeed. Dr. Strange has clearly stated in person, throughout his documents, and also in his videos, that this is simply a class where we, the students, are being trained to be professionals, meaning we should act as such.

  I cannot lie and say that I haven't heard that EDM310 is a hard and very demanding class. Of course I have some nerves approaching the class, but I consider time management to be one of my strong points, so I am confident in my abilities to complete my work on time. EDM310 is certainly different than any class I have ever had before for many reasons. The grading is done differently, which I find refreshing. It is very different from high school and most of my college classes due to the independent learning style. Also, I have never been in a class which had so much emphasis on project based learning, but I am looking forward to that aspect of the class as well.

  The thing, I presume, I will struggle with the most in EDM310 is being immersed in a new learning style. In a document Dr. Strange states it is okay to not understand everything at first, and you must take it upon yourself to learn on your own. This is not a bad thing by any means, it is just vastly different than any form of learning I have done in a class setting before, so that aspect may perhaps be a struggle. I believe the best way to approach this struggle would be to be ahead of the game when it comes to my work. It will be helpful to attend the open lab sessions as well as ask for help when it needed, versus giving up because I simply don't understand something. The only question I have thus far is if we are allowed to work ahead of time. For example, "Blog Post #2" is not due until next week, but I don't know if it is allowed or even advised to try to get ahead. Dr. Strange has made himself available to his students through email, twitter, almost any form of social media if we have questions. Also, we the students have access to one another through our blogs, so if it is a simple question,that perhaps one of your peers can answer, you may ask them as well. EDM310

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Practice Blog

  I was born in Rome, Georgia in March of 1994.I lived in Georgia until I was seven. That Summer, my father got a job at Honda Manufacturing in Lincoln, Alabama, bringing my family to Birmingham, where I have lived for the past 11 years, until moving to Mobile to attend school. Originally, I was interested in becoming an occupational therapist, so where better to look into attending school than South Alabama? However, after a few queasy incidences at hospital internships, I soon realized the medical path was certainly not for me. I had already mentally committed to the idea of coming to Mobile, and I truly loved the atmosphere at South Alabama, so due to my change of heart over what my major would be, it didn’t change my decision on where I wanted to study.

  Now with the medical field out of the question, I decided that I was good with kids, so why not be an elementary education major? Once again, wrong. This was discovered when I had to do a mandatory class where I was to shadow third graders. This too, was certainly not for me. After a lot of talking to my parents, and some deep prayer, I decided that secondary education, with a dual major in English was the right route for me, and ever since making that change, I have loved my classes. I truly feel I am in the right place now. Some background on my family, my parents were relatively young when I was born, so for this reason I now have a seven year old sister, Abby, a five year old brother, Gage, and the cutest little two year old brother, Luke. It’s quite an age difference, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will say though I don’t necessarily miss sharing a house with their craziness.

  I can honestly say that I feel I had the overall best high school experience. The teachers I had truly cared for not only how the students did, but the actual students themselves. I can think of three of my teachers who made the biggest impacts on my life, and they all just happen to be English teachers. I want to be able to do for someone, what those three women were able to do for me. That was to be an excellent role model and always having an open door, in order to guarantee a student’s success.

  In my opinion, a teacher’s job is not only to educate his or her students, but to be a positive influence for the students at all times. We may never truly understand someone’s home life, and for certain students, school may be viewed as somewhat as a sanctuary to them. In that case, it should be the educator’s job to insure the student always feels welcomed and protected while the student is within the care of the educator. This is not to say that the students should view the teacher in a parent-like or friend-like way, but it does mean that the teacher should take it upon him or herself that the student feels school is a place to be appreciated and pleased to be a part of.

  One of my biggest passions for years now has been volleyball. I am currently a coach at St. Paul’s Episcopal. Something I certainly want to get better at is making it a point to travel. I have only been out of the country a couple times, but one day, hopefully after graduating, I would like to take a big trip out of the country at least once a year.

  A few more interesting things about myself: I love Pinterest, not that anything I attempt to do really ever turns out like it’s supposed to, but that doesn’t take the fun out of trying it. I enjoy reading. Lastly, I would much rather have a lake house than a beach house. I’m not sure that necessarily qualifies as “interesting,” but it seems like everyone I mention that to is somewhat surprised, so I’ll say it’s something unique.